
Full-stack data science covers the entire spectrum of data handling, from gathering and manipulating data to backend processing, model deployment, and the implementation of complete machine learning solutions including natural language processing (NLP), computer vision (CV), and traditional machine learning algorithms. This approach integrates the entire pipeline of data science workflows into a cohesive skill set, allowing professionals to manage and execute projects from start to finish.

Skills You Will Gain

Machine Learning

Deep Learning














Image Processing


This course includes

Syllabus Overview


  • Introduce MongoDB and the principles of NoSQL databases, contrasting them with traditional relational database systems.
    • Topics Covered:
      • Overview of NoSQL databases: Types and use cases.
      • Introduction to MongoDB: Core concepts, BSON data format.
      • Basic CRUD operations and MongoDB’s query language.
    • Learning Outcomes:
      • Understand when and why to use MongoDB over traditional SQL databases.
      • Perform basic data operations using MongoDB.
    • Assessment:
      • Practical exercises on setting up MongoDB and performing CRUD operations.
  • Learn data modeling techniques specific to MongoDB for efficient data storage and retrieval.
    • Topics Covered:
      • Principles of data modeling in MongoDB.
      • Schema design patterns and anti-patterns.
      • Indexing strategies for performance optimization.
    • Learning Outcomes:
      • Design effective MongoDB schemas for various application requirements.
      • Implement indexing to enhance database performance.
    • Assessment:
      • Design a schema for a hypothetical application and justify the choices of data structures and indexes.
  • Explore advanced features of MongoDB that are essential for handling complex data structures and queries.
    • Topics Covered:
      • Complex queries and aggregation frameworks.
      • Data aggregation operations and their use in analytics.
      • Integrations with data analytics and data science tools.
    • Learning Outcomes:
      • Utilize MongoDB’s aggregation framework for complex data analysis.
      • Integrate MongoDB with data processing pipelines in Python, R, or JavaScript.
    • Assessment:
      • Develop an analytics dashboard using MongoDB and a programming language of choice.
  • Master the techniques for scaling and optimizing MongoDB installations, including replication and sharding.
    • Topics Covered:
      • MongoDB’s replication mechanism and setup.
      • Sharding practices: Managing data distribution and balancing.
      • Performance tuning and maintenance practices.
    • Learning Outcomes:
      • Configure and manage a replicated MongoDB setup.
      • Plan and execute a sharding strategy for a MongoDB database.
    • Assessment:
      • Setup a simulated distributed MongoDB environment and optimize it for a given workload.
  • Apply all learned skills in a comprehensive project that simulates a real-world application using MongoDB.
    • Topics Covered:
      • Project planning and database architecture design.
      • Implementation of a full-scale application using MongoDB.
      • Data migration, API integration, and frontend development.
    • Learning Outcomes:
      • Develop a complete application from the ground up using MongoDB.
      • Demonstrate proficiency in managing large-scale data with MongoDB.
    • Assessment:
      • Final project presentation and deployment, along with a technical report detailing the database design and choices.
  • Workshops: Hands-on sessions on MongoDB security, backups, and cloud deployment.
  • Guest Lectures: Industry professionals sharing experiences and best practices with MongoDB.
  • Challenges and Competitions: Encourage participation in online challenges to solve real-world problems using MongoDB.

Transform Your Skills: Enroll Now to Learn

Speak to our career counsellor for detailed overview of SCAI Data Science Course. For a more detailed explanation of what SCAI Data Science can offer don’t hesitate to contact our team today. We will set up a personalized demo and meeting with our experts and counsellors who can answers questions you may have Let’s take your career to next level with SCAI!! If you’re interested in upskilling your career with a data science course, SCAI offers a comprehensive program designed to equip you with the necessary skills knowledge for success in this field.

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