
Full-stack data science covers the entire spectrum of data handling, from gathering and manipulating data to backend processing, model deployment, and the implementation of complete machine learning solutions including natural language processing (NLP), computer vision (CV), and traditional machine learning algorithms. This approach integrates the entire pipeline of data science workflows into a cohesive skill set, allowing professionals to manage and execute projects from start to finish.

Skills You Will Gain

Machine Learning

Deep Learning














Image Processing


This course includes

Syllabus Overview


  • Familiarize students with the Looker platform, including its interface and basic functionalities.
    • Topics Covered:
      • Overview of Looker: History and purpose of the tool.
      • Navigating the Looker interface.
      • Basic concepts of Looker: Projects, Models, Explores, and Looks.
    • Learning Outcomes:
      • Understand the core components of Looker.
      • Navigate the Looker environment confidently.
    • Assessment:
      • Create a simple Look that displays basic business metrics.
  • Teach students how to develop and maintain LookML models, the foundation of analytics in Looker.
    • Topics Covered:
      • Introduction to LookML, Looker’s modeling language.
      • Defining dimensions, measures, and joins in LookML.
      • Version control and project management within Looker.
    • Learning Outcomes:
      • Build and validate LookML models.
      • Manage Looker projects using version control.
    • Assessment:
      • Develop a LookML model for a mock e-commerce business.
  • Enable students to explore data and build visualizations and dashboards in Looker.
    • Topics Covered:
      • Advanced exploration techniques in Looker.
      • Visualization types and when to use them.
      • Building and sharing dashboards.
    • Learning Outcomes:
      • Utilize Looker’s exploration features to analyze data.
      • Create informative and compelling visualizations and dashboards.
    • Assessment:
      • Create a comprehensive dashboard for the previously modeled e-commerce business data.
  • Introduce advanced features of Looker, including Looker API, embedded analytics, and marketplace.
    • Topics Covered:
      • Utilizing the Looker API for automation and integration.
      • Embedding Looker dashboards into other applications.
      • Exploring the Looker Marketplace for add-ons and blocks.
    • Learning Outcomes:
      • Integrate Looker with other tools and platforms.
      • Enhance Looker projects with features from the Looker Marketplace.
    • Assessment:
      • Implement an embedded dashboard and automate a data import using the Looker API.
  • Apply all learned skills to create a full-scale business intelligence solution using Looker.
    • Topics Covered:
      • Project planning and requirements gathering.
      • Developing a comprehensive LookML model based on project requirements.
      • Creating a suite of dashboards and reports to answer key business questions.
    • Learning Outcomes:
      • Develop an end-to-end analytics solution tailored to a specific business scenario.
      • Present data-driven insights to stakeholders effectively.
    • Assessment:
      • Presentation of the final BI project, including walkthroughs of the model, dashboards, and strategic insights derived from the analysis.
  • Workshops: Regular interactive workshops on troubleshooting, optimizing LookML code, and best practices in Looker.
  • Guest Lectures: Industry experts sharing case studies and best practices in deploying Looker in various industries.
  • Peer Reviews: Encourage collaborative learning and feedback through peer reviews of dashboard designs and LookML code.

Transform Your Skills: Enroll Now to Learn

Speak to our career counsellor for detailed overview of SCAI Data Science Course. For a more detailed explanation of what SCAI Data Science can offer don’t hesitate to contact our team today. We will set up a personalized demo and meeting with our experts and counsellors who can answers questions you may have Let’s take your career to next level with SCAI!! If you’re interested in upskilling your career with a data science course, SCAI offers a comprehensive program designed to equip you with the necessary skills knowledge for success in this field.

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